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A Family-Friendly Drama Time for Babies...
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The Finest in Family Theater
Visit the Orlando Science Center, just across the street from Orlando Family Stage. Experience the OUR PLANET, OUR SOLAR SYSTEM exhibit with special events like “Twinkle Tales”, guided planet tours, and the “Moons & More Tour.”
Touch moon rocks, ride a space travel simulator, and see the retired Atlantis Shuttle that took 33 trips into space at the Kennedy Space Center in Cape Canaveral, Florida
Space Word Search
Remember all those vocabulary words we heard in Magic School Bus: Lost in the Solar System? Words like asteroid, atmosphere, and all the names of the planets! Work on visual identification and spelling of these out-of-this-world vocabulary words with a fun word search!
Download and Print – Solar System Word Search
Moon Dough Experiment
Moon dough is a simple two-ingredient activity that builds fine motor skills and hand strength with items you probably have at home!
Mix equal parts hair conditioner and cornstarch into a bowl. Stir first with a spatula, then let their little hands do the rest! Your kids will love squishing, rolling, and molding moon dough. Moon dough stores well in an airtight container.
Star Gazing
Get lost in space in your backyard! Head outside on a clear night and discover constellations and sometimes even planets that are visible to the naked eye.
Timeline of visible planets, visit – Visible Planets – When and Where to View – Farmers’ Almanac
Easy Constellations to Find – Easy Constellations To Find: MAPPING THE NIGHT SKIES – Smore Science Magazine
Constellation Snacks
This delicious space snack is great for recognizing real constellations and building fine motor skills. Kids will practice pencil grip as they create constellations out of pretzel rods and mini marshmallows (or use toothpicks or uncooked spaghetti noodles). Print the guide below and let your kids build the most delicious structures in the galaxy!
Download and Print – ConstellationsForCraft.pdf
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