We acknowledge the history of systemic racism and oppression that exists in our industry. We acknowledge our role in these oppressive systems and are committed to becoming an anti-racist and fully inclusive organization.

Orlando Family Stage Equity Statement

At Orlando Family Stage, we believe theater has the power to help us create inclusion, inspiration, creativity, and connection. We believe all young people should have access to theater, and should see themselves reflected in our programming, on our stages, and in our staff. We must be a leader in our community through fully embracing diversity, equity and inclusion if we are committed to creating the world our young people and their families so richly deserve. 

We commit to the work of becoming an antiracist organization by establishing internal organizational systems, processes, structures, and an equitable culture so all feel welcome. We hope you will join us on this journey.

We are here to help!  Contact any staff immediately with any questions, needs, or concerns. If you experience or witness racial harassment at Orlando Family Stage, please use this Conflict Resolution Form to report it.


Orlando Family Stage Community Agreement

By entering this shared space, you agree to:

  • Foster INCLUSION by playing an active role in keeping this space welcoming and supportive to all identities. Treat others with respect through your words and actions. See value in our differences.
  • Seek INSPIRATION through approaching individuals, interactions, and stories with a curious mind and listening ear. See every opportunity as a chance for learning and understanding.
  • Engage with CREATIVITY by remaining open to new possibilities and the places they lead. Celebrate imagination, honor growth, and respect the art and those who make it.
  • Pursue CONNECTION by practicing empathy with each other. Strive to be fully present and participate with kindness. How we treat each other matters.

Land Acknowledgment

Orlando Family Stage exists on the traditional land of the Timicua and Seminole peoples past and present. With gratitude we honor the land itself and its stewards throughout the generations.

Land acknowledgement is a traditional custom dating back centuries for many Native communities and nations. For non-Indigenous communities, land acknowledgement is a way of showing respect and resisting the erasure of Indigenous histories.

Resources & Staff Training

In order to create a path forward, Orlando Family Stage has devoted time and resources to engage in a wide variety of anti-racism training for staff with the following organizations and publications.

Orlando Family Stage encourages staff to see anti-racism work as a lifelong responsibility and continues to support and encourage this work personally and professionally.