
This contemporary adaptation of Pinocchio is set in Hip-Hopia where G.Petto is a video game designer, and one of his character designs, P.Nokio, magically comes to life. With the help of the Graffiti Fairy, he teaches P.Nokio how to become a real boy. Armed with the Book of Rhymes, G.Petto sends P.Nokio to The Old School to master style, originality, and swagger. However, we know from the original story that P.Nokio is led astray, but he has to wise up, keep it real, and learn that words and truth are the mightiest tools of all. This story centers around family, creativity, individuality, and growing up in a confounding world. Book and lyrics by Psalmayene 24 and Music by Nick tha 1Da.

Member Pre-Sale: Now | Single tickets on sale: July 15

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About P.Nokio: A Hip-Hop Musical

  • 60 minutes
  • Orlando Family Stage
    In the Edyth Bush Theatre
    1001 E Princeton St, Orlando, FL 32803, USA


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